"Those who dance are considered insane by those who
cannot hear the music: George Carlin!!"

Music is too beautiful not to enjoy, not to like and not to listen to. I find myself thinking of only negatively when not listening to music. I have not made it to the list of singers but I love music just as much. I do not need reason to listen to music, it's a desire within me that needs to be fulfilled daily! Like the above quotes, lot's of musicians express themselves through the lyrics of their songs. This is the most important communication of emotions.

Some of my favourite artists below, click image to view more about them!

Many cultures celebrate their culture through music and their attires and food but the most important of these being music. They prepare a lot of dance moves and chant with a range of musical instruments being played. There is no other reason I have fallen in love with music, it is within my soul that when all seems to not be going well with my day, music just soothes everything. I celebrate the same way. I do not necessarily have my favourite, it all depends which song came to mind at that time and I will play similar songs throughout the day.

"In short: I Love Music!"

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